Hulk Hogan spent his 58th birthday looking at nude photos of his daughter
Hulk Hogan celebrated his 58th birthday last night by taking his 20-something blonde girlfriend to see his 20-something blonde daughter’s nude photo exhibit. You think I’m joking. I’m not. Ordinarily, I’d rather eat death than write about Hulk Hogan or anyone vaguely related to Hulk Hogan, but this was simply too ridiculous to pass up. Brooke Hogan had posed for a photo series called, I kid you not, “Women In Cages”. It was sponsored by PETA, because… you know, animals are kept in cages, so how best illustrate that point than by getting Brooke to take off her clothes and pose inside a cage? For real. And her dad came out to see it, on his birthday! Because what father wouldn’t want that for his birthday?
And there’s all of the kissy-faces that Brooke always makes around her dad. Okay, surely someone is with me? This is gross, right? I’m not the most physical person, especially with my parents, so maybe that’s why this is so gross to me. But I cannot imagine being an adult woman and making kissy-faces at my father.
By the way, Hulk recently called into a BBC radio show, and he had some thoughts on the London riots:
“I just heard what’s going on in the streets, man, and I thought just maybe Hulkamania should run over there, start dropping legs, start hitting people with big boots and just stop the action. Let’s rethink, brother, rethink this whole thing and get these kids together and change their thinking in a positive direction and break the cycle of this craziness of where they were raised and where they’re at. Everyone’s got a story, which is ‘So what?’ but what now? That’s what needs to be done. Change the direction of the youth over there. Everybody wants the kids to get back on track. It doesn’t matter if Hulk Hogan’s over there, body-slamming all the youth like I did Andre the Giant. But at the end of the day we need to grab these kids, shake ’em and say stop. Just regroup – look at yourself in the mirror and say, ‘Is this what you want the mirror image of your life to be? Is this what you want your destiny to be?’ Now it’s time to change directions, even if the state has to step in and really focus on getting these kids back on track, brother, but you know what? I will do anything, because I love my UK Hulkamaniacs, brother.”
[From Digital Spy]
I can’t. I won’t even start.
Photos courtesy of WENN.