Empowering Idaho teachers with free training courses through the Idaho Department of Education
BOISE, ID (CBS2) — Idaho educators, if you're looking to connect with peers across the state and equip yourself with the latest methodology for science instruction - listen up!
The Idaho Department of Education is offering twelve courses this Fall - and they're completely free!
In partnership with the Idaho Science Coaches, these courses are meant to empower your teaching journey.
From online classes on Idaho science standards to leading with science and engineering practices, there is instruction for everyone!
They are also offering in-person fall workshops across the Gem State.
If you want more information on these online classes or in person workshops, click HERE.
We are so thankful for our leaders and educators across the Treasure Valley, and we want to recognize them!
If you know of a classroom leader doing something great, email us at leadersinlearning@kboi2.com.