Big job fair in Nampa looks to hire hundreds of workers
BOISE, Idaho (CBS2) — On Monday, at the Nampa Civic Center over 50 businesses were looking to recruit hundreds of employees.
"We're just looking for candidates that are just qualified and are motivated to work for us," said Gavin Gard, transportation security officer.
Job seekers were able to bring in their resumes, attend free workshops to assist with their job-seeking experience, and talk to recruiters face-to-face.
"Job fair gives you an opportunity actually come in and talk to somebody in person, whereas if you're just online, you're behind a computer screen," said Randy Baker, job fair applicant.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in February there were nearly 11 million unfilled jobs nationwide, causing many businesses to struggle to keep their doors open.
"It's extremely hard to find people that are willing to stay and to work hard especially in this time right now," Gard said.
Sixty percent of the companies at the job fair had open positions in at least two different job types.
The hope is that job fairs like this will allow them to start filling some of those empty positions.
"Job fairs do a lot better than almost everything else we're doing, I feel like, you know, we get several drivers from job fairs usually," said Marty Moore, Durham School Services safety trainer.
The Idaho Job & Career Fair is hosting another job fair from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on May 10 at 1789 S Eagle Rd, Meridian, ID 83642.